In troubleshooting this so far I have: run the MS license removal tool and re-activated, deleted every 'microsoft' entry in my keychain and re-activated, and re-installed Office.
When I click the 'Details' link the following information appears:Įrror : 'an unexpected host was loaded when attempting to perform silent auth' I click it, enter my credentials (correctly!) in the page that pops up, and it returns the following error: However, when I select an email in Outlook (16.32) and click on the 'Send to OneNote' entry in the ribbon, I am presented with a Sign In button. I have activated and can use all of the Office 365 applications on my Mac (10.15.2 Catalina) with no trouble. I can sign in to my Microsoft account online everywhere with no trouble. Hello, I am absolutely running around in circles with this.